Data requirements

This section describes our standard data requirements for Telecom CVM regarding Objects and Fields.

If you want to see a simplified overview of our data model, please read our dedicated guide: (lien guide data model simplifié)

As a starting point (default limit by contract), Splio CDP allows you to integrate up to 12 files (or BigQuery tables). Each file will be dedicated to a given kind of object, with its content conforming to the documented data requirements for the object.

Data retention

1 year for everything

Standard objects

Standard objects managed by Splio Telecom CVM:

ObjectCategoryDefinitionImportanceKindMutable?Delivery frequency
userProfilingIndividuals, customers or prospects, used for profilingMandatoryDimensionYesDaily
ucgProfilingUniversal Control Group. Users excluded from campaigns to monitor ROIRecommendedDimensionAny
mnpProfilingMobile Network Portability: if the user has switched from one operator to anotherOptionalEventAny
migration_actionsProfilingDimension displaying the migration of a user from a subscription to another.OptionalEventAny
ComplaintsProfilingComplaints and comments from customer relationship management toolsOptionalEventAny
voiceUsageOutgoing voice usage. Contains: Onnet, Offnet, PAYG, Bundle, Roaming…MandatoryEventDaily
SMSUsageOutgoing SMS usage. Contains: Onnet, Offnet, PAYG, Bundle, Roaming…MandatoryEventDaily
dataUsageData consumption events done by the user. Contains: Bundle, PAYG, Free, RoamingMandatoryEventDaily
data_navigationUsageDetails of web navigation per website and appOptionalEventDaily
call_record_inCall/SMS recordsRecommendedEventDaily
call_record_outCall/SMS recordsRecommendedEventDaily
revenueTransactionsThe revenue generated by the user. Contains voice, data, SMS, Mobile Money, VAS, Bundle…MandatoryEventDaily
subscriptionPurchasesPurchase events of subscriptions & addonsMandatoryEventDaily
subscription_referentialPurchasesProduct catalog containing Subscriptions, addons & Value Added Services purchased by the customer.MandatoryDimensionAny
VASPurchasesPurchased Value Added Services productsOptionalEventDaily
geo_locLocalizationGeolocation informationOptionalEventAny
ref_geo_locLocalizationGeolocation referentialOptionalDimensionAny